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Ronald SutherlandFly Tier, Helmsdale
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The deadly daddy long legs just got better! When these are on the hop try the new DaddyHog, its a mix of the daddy and sedgehod and it is a surefire killer in calm or rough conditions. Get a few in your box fast!
Highly effective barbless, brass bead head tadpole pattern. Ideally use this pattern on an intermediate to a Di3 line.
A classic wet fly , very effective when fished as part of a team of flies for traditional loch style fishing. All tied with the finest hackle and best materials these wet flies catch both brown and rainbow trout.
A deadly new Blob from Fulling Mill
These are deadly deatrout flies in South America, used to great effect when the water is low they get right down in front of the fish and they just suck them right in!
Product Description: A best seller. A bright realistic close copy pattern that is hugely popular, accounting for countless fish every year, mostly fished dry but equally effective semi-drowned sub surface.
The Loch Ordie is a real heavyweight trout catcher in the Highlands, these are now tied muddler style and are even more deadly (if that could be possible)!
The nugget imparts great movement on a sink and draw retrieve
The nugget imparts great movement on a sink and draw retrieve and there are not many more patterns deadlier than the Cats Whisker.