The merits and catch success related to this pure leviathan of a salmon fly could be discussed at great length, infact there is not enough room here to fit in the full story so let’s just get to the point!
This RS Original Brora Willie Gunn is as near to the fly as you willl get to the tube that was picked off the counter of Rob Wilson’s shop in the Scottish highlands, Brora, by Willie Gunn himself. It is certainly the favourite of long standing and expert Brora river ghillie Donald Cameron who will fish with no other variant stating that if it was good enough for Willie Gunn to fish then it’s good enough for me! So, for season 2025 we have replicated this most successful pattern and added just a hint of the super trending UV through the hairwing to make this tube just screams, “come and get me” this is a fly you can fish with total confidence all through the spring anywhere Atlantic salmon swim. It has the pedigree and history that stands above any other spring fly so make 2025 the season that you used the greatest fly of them all to catch your spring iconic salmon.
These are all tied by Ron himself so grab some as soon as you see them. Don't be afraid to fish with the big tubes either, we have these up to 2.5" copper body for early season big water, this is almost as big as the 3" Brora Waddingtons which were the most successful salmon flies in the not too distant past, something to think about? fish are not scared of big lures or flies when water temperatures are low, they see them, and they grab them! Fish these deep and with confidence, if you hit some rocks on the bottom from time to time then thats perfect as you are in the taking zone.
Product Code: RS A5ZKS91