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Grouse and Claret
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Ronald SutherlandFly Tier, Helmsdale
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Highly effective barbless, brass bead head tadpole pattern. Ideally use this pattern on an intermediate to a Di3 line.
A deadly new Blob from Fulling Mill
Jackie says "A Spent that works well on the midland loughs and Sheelin."
Jackie says "One of my favourite spent patterns to fish
Ronan Creane's Willow grub imitation, a key pattern for fishing in New Zealand when the natural is present
A Cicada pattern from Ronan Creane, great as a stand alone dry when the naturals are present or to use as an indicator dry fly.
A subtle indicator fly from Ronan Creane, will easily hold up small nymphs for the classic "New Zealand Dropper" presentation.
A key pattern for sight casting to sighted fish feeding on nymphs just sub surface or in slow water. I must have pattern if fishing in New Zealand.
A lighter weight nymph pattern from Ronan Creane. Perfect to use when sight casting to fish feeding mid water column.
A deadly floating fry imitation. Cast into an area you think fish are feeding on fry, make two large pulls to create a disturbance and then either fish static or retrieve with a slow figure of eight retrieve.
Ronan Creane's highly successful Possum Streamer in a new colour scheme. In this pale colour scheme this pattern is highly effective in clear water or when the fish are feeding on baitfish. A must have pattern when streamer fishing in New Zealand.