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Carron Spey Lines

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New Carron Jetstream Twin Colour Floating line 8/9 & 9/10

New Carron Jetstream Twin Colour Floating line 8/9 & 9/10


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The long awaited and much anticipated twin colour floating Carron lines have arrived and they are absolutely stunning casting & fishing tools! These lines have been extensively researched and tested to the max by the Carron design team James Chalmers and Spey casting world champion Gordon Armstro…

Carron line dressing

Carron line dressing


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Carron Jetstream Line Dressing allows you to keep your fly line in top class condition so it shoots across the river with ease and floats perfectly when it hits the water.

New Carron Jetstream Twinline sink 65ft head

New Carron Jetstream Twinline sink 65ft head


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We have taken delivery of the new Carron Jetstream sinking Spey lines in two tone and with a new 65ft head length. These lines are superb spring lines with a sink rate of 3.9ins per second. This new slightly shorter length will be much more managable than the old 70ft model and it flies like a roc…

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