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Fly - tying

Fly - tying
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Veniard's "Cellire" Varnish



Clear -  The original and best head cement is fine and extra clear. Black - A glossy finish wich builds up quickly. 15ml Bottle

Eumer coneheads

Eumer coneheads


These brass coneheads perfectly fit the Eumer plastic tubing on teardrop tubes etc. Excellent value at 20 coneheads per pack. We recomment the Baxters babe 1.8mm tubing with these cones which you can buy here - Tungstens whi…

Long Chinese goat hair

Long Chinese goat hair


Fabulous long straight Chinese goat hair perfect for the construction of Monkey, Sunray Shadow & Collie Dog salmon tubes (approx 6 - 8ins long) The black hair is approx 12" long, unbelievable quality and the best you will see.

Tungsten tubes 0.5ins

Tungsten tubes 0.5ins


These super popular tubes are made from Tungsten and weigh more than twice the weight of copper. Fish them in cold water and get down to fish fast even on a floating line - no need for those heavyweight sink tips if you are fishing these. They fish best on a floating line and you can adjust the …

Veniards Pearl Flat Braid

Veniards Pearl Flat Braid


Braided pearl fibres create a fantastic scale like body on streamer flies. Contains no holographic fibres.  

Veniards Holographic Flat Braid

Veniards Holographic Flat Braid


A new twist on holographic tinsel. Holographic tinsel has been braided to form this sparkling new body material. 

Veniards spring lever vice

Veniards spring lever vice


This side lever vice with spring loaded jaws is of excellent quality and beautifully finished with a polished brass rotating head and contrasting matt black stem, clamp and jaws. Individually boxed. Ron has used this vice for most of his tying and fully recommends it.

Loon Outdoors Hard Head Varnish

Loon Outdoors Hard Head Varnish


A polyurethane based formula for building colourful, glossy heads and bodies, a great alternative to epoxy. Dries in one hour. Supplied with applicator.

Fulling Mill Superglue

Fulling Mill Superglue


This magic little pot is perfect for many fly-tying applications, you can brush it onto or over tinsel bodies, brush it on ribbing before application, on heads, all sorts of uses to make your flies extra strong. SuperStrong, smooth application and multiple usage.

Fly eyes.

Fly eyes.


These medium sized eyes add real life to shrimp and prawn patterns - we have used them to great effect on our new RS Super Snaelda range.

Marble Foxy tails pieces (pro choice)

Marble Foxy tails pieces (pro choice)


"Foxy Tails" provide the fly dresser with the best hair & fur on the market and we are delighted to be able to supply you with these large top quality pieces of Marble fox. Superb material to work with for many styles of salmon flies.

Dyed Squirrel Tails

Dyed Squirrel Tails


These ever popular tails offer the fly tyer great versitility for tying hairwing salmon flies, used in popular flies such as Ally's shrimp & Munro killer. 

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